I have become a raving fan of Edavate’s Idea-to-Validation offering!
I was keen on pursuing a startup venture in EdTech and happened to bump with Eda Folks.
I was alone, was not in a position to put in the time for initial research, ideation etc.
Eda Folks did it all for me right from understanding the market, positioning a product, putting out a roadmap and everything in between.
It’s a wonderful service and doubt there are any service providers, in the market who can do this bringing in all aspects and the necessary bandwidth of launching a tech product venture at costs that’s insignificant compared to the Grind, Challenges and Dedication required in the Idea-MVP-Validation phase, otherwise and all that with 90% chances of failure despite putting your best.
It’s absolutely a Great Value Proposition for many like me to be able to go to state B without investing any time literally and a side hustle till validation!
I am awestruck by their Execution Capabilities and Holistic Knowledge, Depth across Product, Technology, Marketing, Business under this offering which is delivered at lean startup costs!
Prashant, Wis Learning